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The Latin Language and Medical Terminology Basics Латинська мова і основи медичної термінології

The Latin Language and Medical Terminology Basics Латинська мова і основи медичної термінології

The Latin Language and Medical Terminology Basics Латинська мова і основи медичної термінології

Двойной щелчок по изображению для просмотра в полный размер


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ISBN: 9786175055762

Автор книги: Лариса Юріївна Смольська, Ольга Григорівна Пилипів, Павло Андрійович Содомора та ін.; за редакцією Л.Ю. Смольської

Издательство: Медицина

Страниц: 400

Язык: англійська

400,00 грн.
Краткая информация
The textbook is aimed to teach students the principles of the Latin grammar and medical terminology (anatomo-histological, pharmaceutical and clinical) in accordance with the demands of the European Credit Transfer System. The changes introduced into the latest issues of the International Anatomical, Histological and Chemical Nomenclatures are included in the textbook. 31 units constitute the foundation of the textbook supplemented with tables of the basic suffixes, prefixes, combining forms, and anatomical terms, Latin-English and English-Latin glossaries, exercises, prescriptions, etc. There is also given information on ancient medicine.
The development of medicine as a separate science and particularly the final dissociation of the medical terminology resulted in the strengthening of its ties with other sciences. Thus the Latin language is an effectual means of broadening the outlook of a future doctor. The Latin aphorisms and quotations that supplement the textbook will assist in developing the logical and rational understanding of the peculiarities of the Latin grammar and will provide students with ample opportunity to estimate at true worth the uniqueness and wisdom of the ancient world.
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