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Marvel's The Guardians of the Galaxy with MP3 Level 4

Marvel's The Guardians of the Galaxy with MP3 Level 4

Marvel's The Guardians of the Galaxy with MP3

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  • Marvel's The Guardians of the Galaxy with MP3

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ISBN: 9781292208220

Издательство: Longman

Страниц: 88

Язык: English

350,00 грн.
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When Peter Quill finds the Orb, he doesn’t know that it is a stone with unimaginable power that everyone is looking for. Soon he is being chased by outlaws and aliens. But the real enemy is Ronan the Accuser, who wants to use the Orb’s power to control the galaxy. Can Peter bring together a strange group of new friends and keep the Orb out of Ronan’s hands—or will Ronan win this fight?
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