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Professional Perspectives Challenging Children

Professional Perspectives Challenging Children

Challenging Children

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  • Challenging Children

ISBN: 9783125016026

Автор книги: Henk van Oort

Издательство: DELTA Publishing

Страниц: 96

Язык: English

909,00 грн.
Краткая информация
Challenging Children, part of the Professional Perspectives series, recognises that teaching young learners is as rewarding as it is challenging. Young learners demand special attention and stimulation if they are to learn effectively. Lessons need to be planned and delivered in such a way that pupils hardly notice that they are learning a new language. The main aim of Challenging Children is to: activivate their linguistic abilities generate vocabulary arouse their interest in the learning process Challenging Children offers a series of activities for pupils from five to twelve years, divided into three levels of difficulties. The activities are easily adaptable. They need little or no preparation and the instructions are concise and clear. They can be used with or without a coursebook; as warmers, fillers or your main lesson.
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