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Traumatology and Orthopedics Manual Buryanov O.A.

Traumatology and Orthopedics Manual Buryanov O.A.

Traumatology and Orthopedics Manual  Buryanov O.A.

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ISBN: 9789668144288

Автор книги: Бурьянов О.

Издательство: Медицина

Язык: английский

59,15 грн.
Краткая информация
The manual has been worked out by the collective of the Chair of Traumatology and Orthopedics of O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University for independent extracurricular preparation for practical classes in traumatology and orthopedics.
The manual is aimed at subsequent perfection of clinical thinking, mastering and finalizing of practical skills, elaborating of systematic approach in clinical practice. In each topic there are questions for self-training, tests of previous and final control, situation problems. In addition, there is an Information Block, which gives the newest data on each topic, recommendations concerning curing patients, the list of necessary practical skills the student is to grasp in the course of studying the whole series of units in traumatology and orthopedics.

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